- 状态码 418
- 求解精确覆盖问题 Dancing Links - code
Avoid mixing business logic with your React components. Instead create abstraction layers that communicate with them. Ref
- typescript: A & B, A | B ps: ^? 在 playground 页面自动出结果
- typescript: Understand the difference between {}, object, and unknown - demo
- css: scope-in-css
- Ruby: Method Calls ps: 再读《The Well-Grounded Rubyist》这本书,还是 ruby 脚本更舒服
- StateCharts - XState
穷山恶水出刁民,一个好的国家要让富人有安全感、让穷人有希望! Ref
- Lifespan, aka: as known as
- 再读《Effective TypeScript》
2023 第 32 周