Having more than one way to do the same thing - Ruby
- Ruby 的关键字, 语法结构, global
- 约定大于配置
- Receiver::method - 文档 Receiver
- What is the difference between include and require in Ruby?
- Ruby#Set
- Ruby operator
- 你见过哪些令你瞠目结舌的 Ruby 代码技巧? ps: Ruby 把 composition 作为方法内置
You have a faulty keyboard. Whenever you type a vowel on it (a,e,i,o,u,y), it reverses the string that you have written, instead of typing the character. Typing other characters works as expected. Given a string, return what will be on the screen after typing with your faulty keyboard. Ref. answer#code
- aka: also known as; successor
- RailsConf 2023 - Functional Patterns in Ruby by John Crepezzi code: 1, 2, 3
// 动态语言 function use(Klass, args) { const C = function() {} C.prototype = new Klass(args) return C }
- 具备执行力是少数人才有的能力
- 🏃
- 拉黑 [:y]
2023 第 33 周