- 推荐阅读 Algorithm Design ps: 读完第三章 Graphs, 因此大多内容与图有关
- Graph[Undirected]/Directed Graph, Node/Vertex, Edge, Degree, Path/Simple/Cycle
- Breadth-First Search, BFS is not only determining the nodes that
can reach, it is also computing shortest paths to them - Hierarchy[Layer 层], Distance[Short Path]
- Depth-First Search
- Graph 可以使用邻接表和邻接矩阵表示
- Abstract data type, Graph drawing
- Directed graph, Directed acyclic graph[DAG]
- 在使用邻接表表示有向图时,可以优化邻接表 (only focus on out-degree) 到十字链表(增加逆邻接表), 或者邻接多重表
- Queue[First-In, First-Out], Stack[Last-In, First-Out]
Both queues and stacks can be easily implemented via a doubly linked list
- Connected/Strong Connected/Connected Component[连通分量], 并查集
- Bipartite graph[二分图] - Tree, Cycle Graph with an even number of vertices
- Topological Ordering[拓扑排序] - 依次选 in-degree 为 0 的节点,最后为 out-degree 为 0 的节点
- Tree: Root, Leaf[
], Internal(一个[I
]子节点)[内部节点]. 节点总数[n
] =L
, 且L
+ 1 - Ref -
Given a tree T on n nodes, how many edges does it have? Each node other than the root has a single edge leading “upward” to its parent; and conversely, each edge leads upward from precisely one non-root node
- Tree-traversal
- N 个节点的有向无环图,最多有多少条边?
- Shortest path problem - [Dijkstra]
- 数学归纳法 - 1 情况下成立; 假设 n 情况下成立,确认 n + 1 情况是否成立
- Proving graph connectedness given the minimum degree of all vertices
- Graph Operations, Edit Distance
- 多巴胺/内啡肽
- namespaced-components, 在 js 中 export 多个组件,就有了 Form.Input 这种写法
- PrimeVue 的 DataTable 组件如何自定义排序 ps: 有问题还得查 issue 列表
- [ChatGPT] 如何获取用户侧 Chrome 浏览器安装的扩展列表或检测特定扩展
2024 第 25 周